Mare Mostrum


“this con­struct­ed alien inva­sion moved the artist in his own migrant core”

Fol­low­ing the zeal on the APEX exhi­bi­tions, RP Browne went for calmer waters. If only!

The news showed the dai­ly ship­wreck of migrants, whom were referred to as com­ing in “swarms”. This con­struct­ed alien inva­sion moved the artist in his own migrant core, so he opt­ed to skip oth­er projects and favour Mare Mostrum.

In this series he exper­i­ment­ed with deep­er colours, con­trast­ing the gloom of the sub­ject mat­ter. Sim­i­lar­i­ly, he drew -in his sketch­book- frame per frame of an ani­mat­ed clip.


Beach­head — Mare Mostrum Series — Acrylic on MDF- 100 cm x 80 cm

Swarm — Mare Mostrum Series — Acrylic on MDF- 100 cm x 80 cm

Waves — Mare Mostrum Series — Acrylic on MDF- 100 cm x 80 cm

Ship­wreck — Mare Mostrum Series — Acrylic on MDF- 100 cm x 80 cm


A few sketch­books and dozens of hand drawn frames lat­er, RP Browne had the series state­ment ready. The full clip is about a minute long.

Copy­right RP Browne 2017 — For Infor­ma­tion regard­ing RP Browne’s work please con­tact the artist at

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