free admis­sion


a vir­tu­al art space host­ing the works of RP BROWNE


RP Browne launches The Stage Gallery Dublin,

a 360 vir­tu­al art gallery host­ing a per­ma­nent col­lec­tion of his work and oth­er artists. Released on-line with free admit­tance, vis­i­tors are able to choose their itin­er­ary through­out the house ‑includ­ing the artist’s stu­dio- inter­act­ing with the mate­r­i­al dis­played (paint­ings, ani­ma­tions, short videos, a doc­u­men­tary on the artist recent projects etc.)

R.P. Browne’s last big project (APEX) was shown in Lon­don and New York, after which he start­ed work on the gallery, which was devel­oped by RPBA. Past exhi­bi­tions include “The Regime”, in 2003 at Holo­caust Muse­um of Buenos Aires, and “5sqm” in Dublin. R.P. Browne is an archi­tect, design­er and painter, and his work is known for a fig­u­ra­tive sym­bol­ism, not short of envi­ron­men­tal and polit­i­cal com­ment. At the moment the artist is fin­ish­ing work for the project “Mare­Mostrum”.


click below to start the tour

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Copy­right RP Browne 2017 — For Infor­ma­tion regard­ing RP Browne’s work please con­tact the artist at

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