RP BROWNE’s APEX Lon­don — A vir­tu­al tour


For those of you who weren’t lucky with the dates of the exhi­bi­tion, or those who were and would like to revis­it it, here’s some footage of the exhi­bi­tion’s first leg. I per­son­al­ly did most of the shoot­ing dur­ing those won­der­ful sum­mer days in Lon­don. I’m par­tic­u­lar­ly hap­py with the end­ing sequence, shot dur­ing the open­ing night: mov­ing with the cam­era (prob­a­bly a tad tip­sy) through the gallery’s cor­ri­dors, and from one vault­ed cham­ber  to the next. The edit­ing did the rest: the scene con­veys the notion of a look real preda­tor on the loose about to eat my guests on the spot!

APEX con­sist­ed of three relat­ed series of paint­ings (The Ele­ments, The Swamp and The Board­room)  and it was quite inter­est­ing to notice peo­ple’s pref­er­ences. These were quite bal­anced among all three series and even of the dif­fer­ent pieces. The inter­views in the video are some­how an accu­rate por­trait of this.

As indi­cat­ed in pre­vi­ous posts, many peo­ple men­tioned how well the exhib­it­ed art and the Crypt Gallery worked together…the video seems to back this view.

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