Cool photos by Tobi Großkopf

Here’s an update of the APEX exhi­bi­tion at The Crypt Gallery; great shots cour­tesy of Tobi Großkopf who attend­ed the Open­ing Night Event. He came along his friend, Vera K. Wilde, a Boston­ian writer and painter herself. For an artist it’s always rel­e­vant...

Opening night APEX

Great crowd at the open­ing night of APEX! The offi­cial open­ing to the exhi­bi­tion was fab­u­lous thanks to the won­der­ful attend­ing crowd. Some invi­tees trav­eled from abroad spe­cial­ly for the event (Dublin, Paris, Buenos Aires), and I can­not thank...

APEX / The Crypt Gallery… a great match!

Accord­ing to an already half full Guest’s Book, RP Browne’s APEX and The Crypt Gallery Lon­don are a suc­cess­ful match. Here’s some: I’m tru­ly glad for this choice which ini­tial­ly was not an easy one to take. As men­tioned in pre­vi­ous posts the space is...
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