The time has come to make room for NEW PROJECTS. Things should be done in style…so last August I released the full APEX doc­u­men­tary, and offi­cial­ly declared the APEX project completed.

What was once only a pow­er­ful mes­sage in the shape of a croc­o­dile, lat­er became a mul­ti city project with two sol­id land­marks — in Lon­don and New York. In the mak­ing of APEX I exper­i­ment­ed new tech­niques and mate­ri­als, dug fur­ther into the all famil­iar ques­tions, and nat­u­ral­ly met some won­der­ful peo­ple along the way. For all this to hap­pen, I had to make the best use of my resources. It was­n’t an effort­less jour­ney, but it was fun and very rewarding!

So back to the doc­u­men­tary, the film sums up the whole project. It goes from the work­shop to the gal­leries, and most impor­tant­ly, shows the con­cepts behind the art. The video includes tes­ti­mo­ni­als and exclu­sive loca­tion footage such as City of Lon­don and Wall St, NY.

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