
Sharks are among us, clos­er than you may think.  As in a food chain, some indi­vid­u­al’s tal­ent is occu­py­ing the chairs at the top, the APEX .  You can find them in any giv­en pro­fes­sion, com­pa­ny, institution…Sharks use their ruth­less­ness (nat­ur­al or acquired), in dif­fer­ent guis­es: charis­ma, charm, or open aggres­sive behav­ior to get what they want.

You prob­a­bly doubt a lot before tak­ing action. They know you do and they thrive in it. Because they don’t. Oth­er peo­ple’s hes­i­ta­tion is the blood that attracts them, the flesh that feeds them, and the bones they hap­pi­ly dis­pose of after­wards and pile up at the bot­tom of the sea.

“So I need to be a shark then…”  Well, to suc­cess­ful­ly become one, you’ll have to kill pre­cious things in you; like empa­thy or self respect, but pre­tend the exact oppo­site. Now be warned: unlike dol­phins, sharks don’t get along well with each other…in such  red tint­ed waters, there’s always a big­ger spec­i­men with sharp­er teeth.

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