I am back in Dublin after the Lon­don Tour-de-force. APEX has gone real­ly well and on many lev­els com­fort­ably sur­passed my expec­ta­tions. As an archi­tect I work hard to avoid sur­pris­es, but dur­ing the exhi­bi­tion days at The Crypt Gallery, there were a pleas­ant few!

The exhi­bi­tion was hard­ly adver­tised and yet lots of ran­dom peo­ple walked in from the street, attract­ed by two sim­ple ban­ners hang­ing from the rail­ings onto Euston Road. I was sur­prised by their diver­si­ty in gen­der, age (from kids to senior cit­i­zens), nation­al­i­ties, professional/social spec­trum, etc., but most­ly because their pos­i­tive com­ments point­ed pret­ty much in the same direc­tion. Peo­ple left the gallery (in their own words) with a sort of sen­so­ry ful­fill­ment after expe­ri­enc­ing the show, and reflect­ing in their own way about “the pri­mal dri­vers of pow­er, hier­ar­chy and dom­i­nance which lie motion­less beneath the crisp, urban crust”.

Hav­ing the vis­i­tors to APEX in mind, I decid­ed to make a slideshow with some of the guest book pages, high­light­ing a few com­ments (rep­re­sen­ta­tive of the pub­lic’s dif­fer­ent angles) on each page. Enjoy!



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