Sombras en La Cripta

Mi com­pañera Col­lette tenía una frase favorita: “Keep your friends close, and your ene­mies clos­er”. La decía sin mover su cara cha­ta y pecosa de Glas­gow, y al ter­mi­nar deja­ba escapar una son­risi­ta medieval.  Pero ésta no es una his­to­ria sobre ella;...

Novio joven I — Cuestión de fe

La dis­tan­cia a lo de su novia es incó­mo­da: algo lejos para ir cam­i­nan­do, no se jus­ti­fi­ca el taxi y la cue­ri­na del asien­to, en el colec­ti­vo, no lle­ga a calen­tarse. R baja del 128, da un vis­ta­zo a su muñe­ca izquier­da e inten­ta rela­jarse ‑Esta­mos...

The Canteen

Hiya, I’m John‑o. John O’Marr, to be pre­cise. It’s the 11 o’clock tea break, my favourite time of the day. Of the work­ing day, that is. I sit straight but try to look relaxed, a cup­pa steam­ing on the table; not too close, nor too far from my freck­led right arm....

Al Palo

BZZZZZ BZZZZZ. El what­sapp otra vez – Es Char­lie man­dan­do fotos vie­jas, algu­nas geológ­i­cas. A ésta R la recuer­da per­fec­ta­mente. Él tam­bién tiene su copia; la pre­gun­ta es qué hace en poder de Char­lie, que no está en esa foto gru­pal. Tal vez se ocupó de...

Calles con revancha

El número 8 de la casa geor­giana –en bronce, sobre la puer­ta de madera maciza pin­ta­da verde inglés- era ape­nas vis­i­ble des­de la vere­da. Se le planta­ban delante las hue­su­das ramas de un almen­dro, lejos aún de su blan­co esplen­dor pri­mav­er­al. Los niños,...

En bateau por el Danubio

La noche flota en el Danu­bio, y sobre los her­manos que otean las amar­ras des­de el muelle Újpesti. Tratan de dis­tin­guir cuál de los bateaux es el de la fies­ta. R había pasa­do a bus­car a Marnie por lo de Dani, en la calle Csa­logány esquina con el río, donde...

Los Inmortales

Los Inmortales Ax y R se alis­tan para la noche — volverán a KAL. Aunque que­da lejos, es el boliche que pasa la mejor músi­ca y atrae las minas más rock­eras. Se han tur­na­do para esa ducha con la que sacar la sal de la piel, sobre todo de la cabeza: ambos se han...


Ella R supo al instante que esa noche le costaría dormirse, porque ya soña­ba con Ella. Tal fue el impacto, la ráp­i­da suce­sión de estí­mu­los que le coparon – sin pedir per­miso- cada sen­ti­do, que sus ojos quedaron encan­di­la­dos. El per­fume de la chi­ca era...

SdV/T1-E5 Esa merecida primera plana

SdV/T1 — E5 Secun­dario de Varones — Episo­dio 5 Los Dineri eran poderosos. Esto era evi­dente por el halo que envolvía a Maro, y que lo sep­a­ra­ba sutil­mente del resto. La proyec­ción rev­er­en­cial afecta­ba al alum­na­do tan­to como a la direc­ción: los...

SdV/T1-E3 Turismo Villero Express

SdV/T1 — E3 Secun­dario de Varones — Episo­dio 3 Uno de los tipos más inde­seables durante los recre­os era Ávi­la. Nor­mal­mente nos agrupábamos en mon­tones de tres a seis fla­cos, dis­per­sos por el patio en patrones irreg­u­lares. Las pare­des y...

SdV/T1-E1 Una pastiwruita

SdV/T1 — E1 Secun­dario de Varones — Episo­dio 1 Más que ami­gos, eran como her­manos. Ger­mán Cal­do  ‑apo­da­do Chiq­ui­to y luego Chiqui‑, Lean­dro de San­tis y Máx­i­mo Gold­fish llev­a­ban toda una vida jun­tos: jardín de infantes, primer gra­do y...

The Regime’s Candidate

Look­ing at the paint­ing in today’s light, I see both can­di­dates as the one and only clown  Per­haps to com­pen­sate for the all absorb­ing media pres­ence of the US Elec­tion, it’s news that a legion of “hor­rif­ic prankster clowns” are...

RP BROWNE’S APEX — The Documentary!

The time has come to make room for NEW PROJECTS. Things should be done in style…so last August I released the full APEX doc­u­men­tary, and offi­cial­ly declared the APEX project completed. What was once only a pow­er­ful mes­sage in the shape of a croc­o­dile,...

APEX London — A virtual tour

RP BROWNE’s APEX Lon­don — A vir­tu­al tour   For those of you who weren’t lucky with the dates of the exhi­bi­tion, or those who were and would like to revis­it it, here’s some footage of the exhi­bi­tion’s first leg. I per­son­al­ly did most of the...

Guest Book — Unanimity in Diversity

I am back in Dublin after the Lon­don Tour-de-force. APEX has gone real­ly well and on many lev­els com­fort­ably sur­passed my expec­ta­tions. As an archi­tect I work hard to avoid sur­pris­es, but dur­ing the exhi­bi­tion days at The Crypt Gallery, there were a...

Cool photos by Tobi Großkopf

Here’s an update of the APEX exhi­bi­tion at The Crypt Gallery; great shots cour­tesy of Tobi Großkopf who attend­ed the Open­ing Night Event. He came along his friend, Vera K. Wilde, a Boston­ian writer and painter herself. For an artist it’s always rel­e­vant...

Opening night APEX

Great crowd at the open­ing night of APEX! The offi­cial open­ing to the exhi­bi­tion was fab­u­lous thanks to the won­der­ful attend­ing crowd. Some invi­tees trav­eled from abroad spe­cial­ly for the event (Dublin, Paris, Buenos Aires), and I can­not thank...

APEX / The Crypt Gallery… a great match!

Accord­ing to an already half full Guest’s Book, RP Browne’s APEX and The Crypt Gallery Lon­don are a suc­cess­ful match. Here’s some: I’m tru­ly glad for this choice which ini­tial­ly was not an easy one to take. As men­tioned in pre­vi­ous posts the space is...

R.P.Browne’s APEX — Press release

  Media Release Defi­ant Argen­tinean artist to show work in Lon­don and NY R.P. Browne’s APEX, a provoca­tive exhi­bi­tion of recent the artist’s recent work is con­firmed at The Crypt Gallery, St Pan­cras Church, Lon­don in June 17–28 /2015 and at The...

How a trip to IKEA unlocked a work of art

If you’ve been fol­low­ing close­ly the progress of the APEX project, then you already know this sto­ry. For every­one else I’ll make it short. From the very begin­ning of the series I had this image in my head, and made sev­er­al sketch­es (see APEX on the...

Milano, business and supper

I recent­ly made a short “busi­ness” trip to Milano, city which in the past I had only bypassed on the way to oth­er north Ital­ian cities. Milano shows its past and present pow­er pret­ty much every­where, start­ing with a robust and dom­i­nant architecture. My...

Exhibition in London confirmed!

I’m delight­ed to announce the con­fir­ma­tion of my exhi­bi­tion in Lon­don. APEX  will take place in the sec­ond half of June 2015 at The Crypt Gallery, St Pan­cras, which I vis­it­ed last month.  I had a very pleas­ant meet­ing with the...

Reptilian eyes

Look­ing for some spe­cif­ic details and live inspi­ra­tion for APEX I recent­ly vis­it­ed Dublin Zoo. It’s a great out­ing, and so dif­fer­ent to the Zoo in my mem­o­ries (see Tele­scope Safaris in a City of Mil­lions). I took some good shots, spe­cial­ly of the...

APEX London — diplomatic mission

Last week I went to Lon­don for two neat rea­sons; one was sched­uled for the near future but was hap­pi­ly pre­cip­i­tat­ed by the oth­er. My best friend’s first vis­it to Europe, who came on work relat­ed mat­ters, pushed for­ward my ini­tial scout­ing for art...

Ironic synchronicity or direct rip-off ?!

  A few days ago friend of mine, Mon­sieur G, sent me an e‑mail; he had been in Dublin in 2013 and vis­it­ed my stu­dio, where I showed him the ini­tial pieces of APEX. Among these was “Have a laugh”, the paint­ing of a hye­na on a suit. Instead of being on a...

APEX on the pipeline

These are some of the new works I’ve been doing for APEX, on dif­fer­ent stages of completion…one is just a sketch for now....

Sharks are close

Sharks are among us, clos­er than you may think.  As in a food chain, some indi­vid­u­al’s tal­ent is occu­py­ing the chairs at the top, the APEX .  You can find them in any giv­en pro­fes­sion, com­pa­ny, institution…Sharks use...
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